Naruto Shippuden’s beloved anime is known for its rich storytelling, action-packed battles, and deep character development. However, like many long-running series, Naruto Shippuden has its fair share of filler episodes. These episodes, while fun, don’t follow the original manga storyline and are often skipped by fans eager to follow the core plot. This guide will walk you through the Naruto Shippuden filler list, explaining what filler episodes are, why they exist, and how you can skip or enjoy them.
What Are Filler Episodes in Naruto Shippuden?
Filler episodes are anime episodes that are not directly adapted from manga. Since anime series like Naruto Shippuden often run concurrently with their manga source material, the anime can catch up to the manga. When this happens, studios produce filler episodes to give the manga time to advance. While the main plot halts, these filler episodes introduce new, often temporary, story arcs.
The Purpose of Fillers
While fillers can seem like a way to stretch out a show, they often serve multiple purposes:
- Give time to the manga: Fillers prevent the anime from overtaking the storyline.
- Character Development: Some filler episodes explore the backstories and personalities of side characters who don’t get much attention in the main plot.
- World-Building: Fillers can provide insights into the world of Naruto, fleshing out details like different ninja villages, traditions, and daily life.
The Importance of Knowing the Naruto Shippuden Filler List
Fillers can feel like a detour for fans following the main storyline. This is where the Naruto Shippuden filler list comes in handy. Knowing which episodes are fillers allows you to decide whether to watch them or skip directly to the next canon episode.
How Many Fillers Are There?
In Naruto Shippuden, out of the 500 episodes, over 200 are fillers. That means roughly 40% of the show consists of non-canon episodes. This makes having a guide like the Naruto Shippuden filler list essential to avoid frustration for those only interested in the main story arc.
Naruto Shippuden Filler Arcs vs. Standalone Episodes
Not all fillers in Naruto Shippuden are created equal. Some are long, multi-episode arcs, while others are standalone episodes. Let’s break down the two types of fillers:
Filler Arcs
Filler arcs are episodes that follow a single storyline outside the main plot. Some filler arcs can last for over ten episodes and introduce new characters, missions, or conflicts.
Notable Naruto Shippuden filler arcs:
- Twelve Guardian Ninja Arc (Episodes 57-71): Focusing on Naruto training with Sora, another jinchuriki, this arc provides insights into chakra control but only advances the main plot.
- Power Arc (Episodes 290-295): A short but intense filler arc revolves around a mysterious incident where Naruto investigates strange chakra disturbances.
- The Three-Tails Arc (Episodes 89-112): An extended filler arc that features Team Kakashi hunting down a dangerous, newly discovered tailed beast.
Standalone Filler Episodes
Standalone filler episodes are often lighter in tone and don’t necessarily follow any ongoing storylines. They serve more as comic relief or opportunities to explore minor characters’ lives. A good example is Episode 101, “Gotta See! Gotta Know! Kakashi-Sensei’s True Face!” which humorously focuses on Naruto and his teammates trying to discover what Kakashi looks like behind his mask.
Canon and Filler Combined Episodes
Some episodes contain both canon material and filler content. These mixed episodes often adapt some parts of the manga but add filler scenes to stretch out the runtime. These episodes can be tricky for fans who want to stick strictly to the manga storyline.
Episodes like Episode 357, which explains Kakashi’s rise to ANBU, are partly canon but include filler scenes to enhance the story.
Table of Naruto Shippuden Filler List
Here’s a quick breakdown of filler episodes in Naruto Shippuden to help you identify which ones to skip:
Episode RangeTypeArc/Title
57-71 Filler Arc Twelve Guardian Ninja Arc
89-112 Filler Arc The Three-Tails Appearance
144-151 Filler Arc Six-Tails Unleashed
170-171 Standalone Big Adventure of Naruto’s Summoning Scroll
176-196 Filler Arc Naruto’s Training Chronicles
223-242 Filler Arc Locus of Konoha
257-260 Mixed The Past: Naruto’s Childhood
290-295 Filler Arc Power Arc
394-413 Filler Arc Chunin Exams Arc
416-417 Mixed The Formation of Team Minato
This table is just a small snapshot of the Naruto Shippuden filler list to give you an idea of where fillers occur.
Popular Filler Arcs Worth Watching
Although many fans skip fillers, some arcs are surprisingly enjoyable and provide additional depth to the series. Here are a few filler arcs that are worth checking out:
The Twelve Guardian Ninja Arc (Episodes 57-71)
This filler arc is one of the more popular ones. It follows Naruto as he meets Sora, a monk who, like Naruto, struggles with the power of a tailed beast inside him. While this arc doesn’t advance the main plot, it does give some great character development and action.
The Power Arc (Episodes 290-295)
Although brief, the Power Arc is praised for its incredible animation quality and intense battles. It introduces an entirely new story in which Naruto and his friends investigate mysterious chakra abnormalities. The climax of this arc is an epic fight that showcases Naruto’s prowess.
The Chunin Exams Arc (Episodes 394-413)
Though technically a filler, this arc delves into the Chunin Exams, which many fans felt were glossed over in the main plot. It revisits some fan-favorite characters and gives us more insight into the workings of the ninja world.
How to Avoid Filler Episodes
If you’re not interested in fillers and want to stick to the manga plot, here’s a simple strategy:
- Use a Filler Guide: Websites and forums offer comprehensive guides to the Naruto Shippuden filler list.
- Skip Full Filler Arcs: Some episodes can be skipped entirely, especially when they have no bearing on the main storyline.
- Watch Recaps: If you need more time to get something important, you can find recap episodes or online summaries of filler arcs to catch up quickly.
The Impact of Filler Episodes on the Series
Fans often have mixed reactions to filler episodes. While some appreciate the added content and the chance to see more of their favorite characters, others find fillers frustrating as they delay the resolution of major plotlines.
The Pros of Filler Episodes
- Character Development: Fillers sometimes offer valuable character growth, especially for secondary characters who get little attention in the main storyline.
- World-Building: Fillers can provide a deeper look at the world of Naruto, offering insight into the ninja villages, cultures, and history.
- Comic Relief: Some light-hearted fillers provide much-needed comic relief in an otherwise intense series.
The Cons of Filler Episodes
- Delays the Main Story: Fillers can feel like a waste of time for fans eager to see the main story progress.
- Inconsistent Quality: Fillers often need more quality in animation and storytelling than canon episodes, which can disappoint viewers.
- Non-Canon Plotlines: Since fillers aren’t part of the manga, they don’t contribute to the overall plot, which can make them feel irrelevant.
Final Thoughts on the Naruto Shippuden Filler List
Whether you love or hate them, fillers are a part of long-running anime like Naruto Shippuden. Understanding the Naruto Shippuden filler list can help you enjoy the show in a way that best suits your viewing preferences. If you’re only interested in the core story, skip the fillers. But if you’re looking for extra character development, world-building, or even some comic relief, some filler arcs are worth watching.